William Kirwill the American from "Gorky Park" says it all

William Kirwill the American from "Gorky Park" says it all
"Born-again Christians. They don't smoke, they don't swear, they don't fuck" That's me minus the Christian part

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Thankful Tuesday's Pony

I really hate going to the lab that is covered by our insurance. There is no way of knowing if Nurse Ratchet will be there or not.
put some glasses on this "nurse" and it's her
 This woman will not listen to a thing I say. I've only been getting my blood drawn for what?? the last 40 years??   I try to tell her which vein is the best and I can actually feel it myself. What does she do? She goes so far as to say "Oooo, this arm has a good vein." (which happens to be the opposite arm that I've told her to use. She never gets blood the first time around). "Ooooo" she says "that vein rolled on me." or

"Oooo, that little bugger just collapsed!"  
Well I guess so you idiot.........you just reamed around in my vein enough to puncture it.........geesh.  Don't you just hate that reaming motion? For God's sake just take the fucking needle out of my arm and start over.....geesh.  I mean she gets ZERO blood......ZERO ...not even a drip when she withdraws the needle.

One time she even said I needed a butterfly needle (the ones used to start IV's) because my veins were so small. I'm sure my veins see her coming and like a frightened penis shrink to an almost invisible size.

The most I will let any one try to get blood is 3 times then I ask for some one else.I've asked for someone else 2 times now.......and guess what? They get my blood on the first stick. Imagine that?

So my five things that I'm thankful for this week are:

1. She got the right vein on the 2nd stick. She actually missed it totally the first time, then told me to relax my arm and stop stiff arming it . She actually says that I'm trying to help her and that I need to stop.......hell if I were helping her I'd grab the needle out of her hand and draw my own damn blood. oops sorry this is My Thankful Day............

2. My CRP is back to normal which means that I should be out of pain. I'm not really but someone told me that when you get addicted to pain medication your body tells you you're still in pain? I'll have to check on that with the Doc.  I'm thankful that the meds are working.

3. Hubby out of town this week. I'm VERY thankful for that. We need a break from each other. You know too much togetherness is never good for a marriage.

 4. Thankful for the weekend and 3 hour naps. Damn I must be getting old. But I'm still thankful that I can take that nap.

5. Sunsets in my back yard.


  1. I had a big ass comment I had typed out for this post and I lost it somehow. Doesn't that piss you off when that happens?

    Anyway, I can easily identify with you in the vein poking/gouging/sticking scenario. I have type 2 diabetes and have to go for glucose testing every 3 months. Just went, actually. Anymore, after years of them doing the same thing to me as they've done to you all these years, I just tell the dumbasses to stick the needle in my damn hand. I know you can't see the veins in my arm, hardly... So save yourself some time and me some pain by just sticking it in my hand, you sadistic biiiootch.

    sorry... get a little carried away. :)

    I loved your shrinking penis-like vein comment. Funny. And your rules for vein search and attacking seem sound to me.

    So what do you have, exactly, where you have to get poked? From how I read it, I know it has something to do with pain.

  2. I have Psoriasis that has caused an arthritis similar to rheumatoid arthritis. I have to have blood work to check my liver because of the meds I'm on. Also it checks the inflammation levels.

    feel free to get carried away with your comments! I enjoy an easily excitable guy!

  3. Lol. That much is true. According to people around me, I am easily excitable.

    Sorry to hear about your condition. I've never heard of those 2 things being connected like that. Hope it gets better for you somehow.
