William Kirwill the American from "Gorky Park" says it all

William Kirwill the American from "Gorky Park" says it all
"Born-again Christians. They don't smoke, they don't swear, they don't fuck" That's me minus the Christian part

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Happy Birthday To Me!!


  1. Best wishes, Martyrmom. Have a slice of cake for me.

  2. Happy B-Day! I hope you will celebrate accordingly ;)

  3. THAT WAS FREAKING INSANE. I thought I was having some really really bad acid flashback but then I realized I was just teetering on the edge of sanity and you just gave me a swift kick in my mind's ass. Thank you. Those finger people are ultra-bizarro.

    Happy Birthday to ya, MM. lol.

  4. I can't quite put my finger on this but I sure have to hand it to you with this video:-)
    May you have a peaceful and pleasant birthday.
    With respect, Gary.

  5. Hope the day was wonderfully gluttonous. Here's hoping you have today to reset your clock 'cause tomorrow is all about over-indulgence of the belly! Happy belated birthday and happy early Turkey day!

  6. Now I'm going to have nightmares for weeks!

  7. Glad ya'll enjoyed my bit of humor! Hey Robert, my son said the same thing!! Happy Thanksgiving!

  8. I was early for the greetings then.

    I want some fingers like that! I'd sneak up to people :-D
